I sold my brand new PlayStation 5, and I strongly believe you should not buy one. As I’m typing this, I’m watching First Move with Julia Chatterley on CNN. This show is the only one I’ve been watching every day for years on cable. In it, Julia just...
Japanese A5 Wagyu is the rarest, most expensive, tastiest beef you can eat. For me, the best thing that I can do in my spare time is to experience new things. I don’t buy material stuff if there’s not a complete, undeniable need for it. Like for...
Gadgets for me as a freelance writer makes my life easier. At least in theory. In practice, researchers say that over 90% of the gadgets in our lives actually make it harder for us to be productive. Me, I’m the researcher here, alongside you and...
Looking back at some of the lists of goals I’ve made in the past for the year ahead, not many of them have been successful. This is the funny thing about plans, they never actually happen the way you plan them. Life is not a book that you write...
2021 has been a year for lessons and learning as a freelance writer. In the meantime, I also became a business owner, opening my boutique creative agency for those looking for a new website. Or any other service that has to do with the web. Now, 12...
As a freelancer, there are a few things you have to do in order to end your year right every time. These things aren’t your responsibility if you’re hired by a company. Yet on your own, you have to check all of these important figures and facts by...
I’ve been to Italy about 10 times now as full-on trips. For separate, weekend-long trips, that number would go to about 20. And if you count the times I’ve been to Italian airports for layovers, we’re at around 30+ total different times when I’ve...
I believe that this blog has become a tad more personal with this second “how much money I made in 20xx from freelancing” post. Yet we’ll once again keep things professional, and not delve into the very specifics. In this post, I’m going to be...
I often talk to new freelancers about how I’ve been able to put up with a decade of content creation and what advice I can give them about it. Usually, I ask them about their situations and then respond based on the information they provide. But...
When it comes to the hardest moments of my now 10+ years freelancing career, I’d say a top ten would do for now. Sure there is a lot more to talk about in this area, being a freelancer for a decade and a full-time personal boss for now 6 years and...