If you’re new to this work from home thing, scared about the new virus and not sure where to start, I get you. I do! I’ve been working from my home for over 4 years now, so I know a thing or two about how to do this. Remember that I am single and...
Having a home office and gym was at the top of my mind for years now. After putting away some money for about 14 months, I was finally ready to do it. But first, you need to know that grandpa was 73 when he died. He was a simple, brave soul. I have...
The pink elephant is in the room. Over the last 14 days, most of them spent inside my home, I’ve realised a few important things about the current situation. Yes, we have a virus that’s on the loose and can’t be stopped if we’re not shutting...
Most of the modern world is at home right now. As bad or frightening as it sounds, we’re living historic, unprecedented times. Never in our history have we had a microscopic thing create such universal disturbance. Gone are our hopes and dreams for...
A deadly pandemic quickly reveals just how much of a peculiar species us humans are. We get so caught up in our own thoughts and emotions, dreams and pains, we simply forget just how frugal life is. One speck of matter on this vast Universe, yet...
Everybody seems to be an influencer today. You go on Instagram and, before you know it, you’re being influenced by some influencer who’s influencing you into doing or buying something. And the influencer earns some money because they’ve influenced...
The Louvre, one of the most important museums on planet Earth, has just closed 4 hours ago indefinitely. It is the first time in recent history that the Parisian museum closes without it being the scene of a theft. Or a crime. Wait, that was in The...
There was this old Turkish barber right by my hotel when I was in Istanbul. I was in desperate need of a haircut and beard trim and, knowing just how great barbers are in countries like Turkey and Macedonia, I decided to give it a go. The old...
Most of my life, I’ve done nothing to change it. I took it as it came. If an urge to eat a bag of chips would rise in my head, I would simply go to the store, buy a bag and then eat it. By the time I was home, I was hungry again and ate some more...
Facebook is just a place for photos and updating statuses for most users. For people like me, who are running an online business and look at Facebook the other way around, the social media platform is one of the best places where you can find...