How To Really Make Money Online In 2020 Starting From Scratch

make money online 2020

Everybody seems to be an influencer today. You go on Instagram and, before you know it, you’re being influenced by some influencer who’s influencing you into doing or buying something. And the influencer earns some money because they’ve influenced you and have done so with tons of people. Because they have followers and get paid for it.

I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to be an influencer, a blogger or have anything to do with the online in order to make money online. I’m not talking peanuts money, no. I’ve never been an influencer or a big blogger, yet for the past 4 years, I’ve earned most of my money online. How? By following a set of simple rules to exploit and monetize writing, my one true passion.

All you need in order to make money online is a skill you can monetize, a client or two who are getting your best offer and some backup traffic plan if the people you’re working with unfortunately pull out from the deal. I’ll take them step by step and fill you in on all three of them. Starting with the most important one, which is being the best at what you’re passionate about.

  1. One skill to rule them all

The first thing you need to do is to find a skill that you are really good at. Not just average or kind of good. Like, really good at that one skill. If it were a movie, that skill would rule over all the other skills from all the other superheroes in the movie. Mine is writing. I’m good at writing. So good that, for the past 4 years, I’ve done nothing but write and earn my living.

I’m doing around 3-5 hours of actual work every day. Mostly under 4 hours. Now I’m going through a pretty busy phase and can easily put in the 5 hours, sometimes 6 on Mondays. I love Mondays because I’m rested and I can really put in the effort. I’m so good at writing, I can do 4 hours worth of work in 1 to 2 hours of actual work. Writing is the skill I am the best at.

If you want to make money online out of your skill, you have to be an ace at it. Whatever it is that you do, there are millions of people out there who are great at it. Clients look for the best combo between experience, skill and price. If you can find the middle ground and offer your skills for sale at a reasonable price, you will find a good client or two and start earning.

  1. One offer they can’t refuse

The truth is, most people will not trust you at first. You have nothing to show off with, no portfolio, not even a great deal of followers on Instagram. That’s fine. I was like that at first. Your aim here is to find those clients that will stick with you for longer, rather than those one-time clients who’re looking for a quick fix and are able to pay good money for it.

That’s why, when you’re about to sell your skill, think of it as an experience for your client, not a service. Me, I enveloped my writing skill into a package of daily hours for my top clients. Instead of selling them separate articles and social media posts, I’ve offered them a piece of my daily time. During those hours, I’m 100% dedicated to their work and nothing else.

I’ve had some good reviews already after so many years as a freelancer so, when I’ve presented my ridiculous-to-me offer to my top 3 clients,  all of them said “yes” almost instantly. Now instead of looking for clients, I can focus on my top clients and be the best writer for them. Knowing that that fixed income will come to me every month, at the same time, without fail.

  1. One backup plan for the unexpected

Listen, even if you have one or two important clients who are there with you for months or even years, the truth is, even those clients can simply say “we’re pulling out because our time in this business is simply over”. And you’re left with nothing overnight. It can happen not just with freelancers but also with the 9-5 people. Even the best companies can fail in a heartbeat.

Because of this, when you’re over finding those first clients and earning your first bucks, it’s time to put a backup plan into place. Based on your monetizable skill, you’ll have to find a way to keep other people who are interested in your craft around you. Just so you can send them your offer when things go sideways. For me, it’s this blog, or my Upwork profile, or my Instagram.

By having these portfolios and communication ways with your possible future clients, you’re at bay from the risk of finding yourself uncovered and in diving into a financial hole. The minute you’re left without a gig, simply reach out on your blog, on Instagram, on Facebook, wherever you want and tell the world about your great skill. Sell them your time, and they will buy it.

My pitch to both clients and freelancers

As I’ve said above, I’m pretty much booked for the year. Still, one of the reasons why I’m writing these articles is, I still want to meet professionals who are looking for writers and at least have a chat with them. If you think I can help you with something content-related for your project, click here, fill in the form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Even if you’re not interested in my services, you can still shoot me an email if you’re a new freelancer looking for advice, especially a freelance writer. I can use a helping hand from time to time, I’m always ready to share some hard-earned knowledge, and who knows, maybe your email comes at the right time and we can become coworkers for a while!

Want more freelancing advice?

Hi! My name is Gabriel, nice to meet you.

I run Gabriel Iosa Writing Services, my online dream business that’s now 4 years in the making. I’ve also worked as a journalist for 9 years and counting. My job is to come up with the best content for you regardless if it’s for your blog, website, book, social media posts or anything else. I can also help you with organic or paid reach so that you can put your products or services right in front of your future clients.

If you enjoyed this article, shoot me an email with a few details about your project. We’ll take it from there.

Gabriel Iosa



I’m happy for you being here! I enjoy blogging as much as I did 10 years ago, at the start of my writing journey. If you want me to write something for you, hit the Services page. You can find some snippets of my previous work on the Portfolio page, as well as what my clients have said about my work on the Testimonials page. Hit the About page for some more info on myself and my passions, and when you’re ready, send me an email at the address you’ll find on the Contact page.

Awesome to have you here!