The Pink Elephant In The Room

pink elephant room

The pink elephant is in the room. Over the last 14 days, most of them spent inside my home, I’ve realised a few important things about the current situation. Yes, we have a virus that’s on the loose and can’t be stopped if we’re not shutting everything down. Yes, it does kill people. And yes, it’s scary. The reason why it’s scary is, this is all that people are talking about.

Coronavirus has become the pink elephant in every single room in the world. It’s there, lurking around the room, spreading like wildfire. It’s surely visible because it’s a goddamn pink elephant! Although you can’t see it, touch it, smell it, sense it. Yet you know it’s there. And although everyone is talking about it, nobody seems to know exactly what this virus is all about.

When is this going to end?

The pink elephant became a problem months ago. By now, people are used to it being present in their lives. Not so much as a disease but as a thought. It’s like that nagging feeling you’re never going to lose that extra weight, that pressing thought that’s always there with you. Only this time, it’s a virus that has you grounded to your room indefinitely. It is surely hard.

The biggest question about the pink elephant is not if it’s going to kill you or anyone you know. The most important question about it, coming from a generation of people who are basing everything on speed, liberty and trade, is when is this situation going to end? When are we going to be able to walk freely again? Go to work, or to school? Hug and kiss our loved ones?

We’re just getting started

The simple answer is, we don’t know. It’s day 12 or 13 of self-quarantine here in my home. Last night, the police were put on the streets to stop every single car. If you have no business being out between 22 and 6 in the morning, you have to go home. And you’re getting a ticket for not being home in the first place, obviously. These measures are just at the beginning of it all.

As I’m writing this, eight Romanians have now died from the virus. Nobody knows though if these people died because of them getting the Covid-19 disease that the coronavirus can result in, or if they died because they’ve been sick before and also confirmed positive. It’s an unknown as to how this is all going to play out. It’s not pleasant but, at the same time, it’s today’s reality.

Turn this into a blessing

I know this article has no start, no middle and no end. I think it shows just how messed up all of our minds have become in these times of uncertainty. It’s a bulb of information, fear and unease that has taken over our rushing, thrilling minds. Everything has stopped and now, the only thing we do is talk about the pink elephant in the room. Day after day after day. It’s sickening.

But there’s no better thing to do than wait this out. Avoid talking about the pink elephant in the room every single moment of every single day. Leave the TV off and do something else. Sure, stay informed, but don’t make it such a bad habit that it gets in front of your usual Facebook scrolling. Take this time to find more about yourself, not this goddamn virus. It’s healthy.

Turn the pink elephant in the room, the self-isolation, the time you’ve got on your hands into a blessing. Turn yourself upside down, see what it really matters to you. What does it mean to be you? Who are you, what are your true goals and meaning? Live life to the fullest, although you’re stranded to your own room for a while. It’s all going to end eventually. This too shall pass.

Hi! My name is Gabriel, nice to meet you.

I run Gabriel Iosa Writing Services, my online dream business that’s now 4 years in the making. I’ve also worked as a journalist for 9 years and counting. My job is to come up with the best content for you regardless if it’s for your blog, website, book, social media posts or anything else. I can also help you with organic or paid reach so that you can put your products or services right in front of your future clients.

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Gabriel Iosa



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